We All Need Somebody To Lean On

David is a faithful warrior. He courageously and continuously risks his life for God and country. He is also a faithful minister. Regularly he utilizes his skill with the harp to soothe the troubled conscience of his king. David is a faithful friend. Scripture records how he nurtures a godly and manly relationship with Jonathan that serves them both very well. He also is a faithful husband who sacrifices much to prove his agape love for his bride. David is a faithful worshiper who sings, prays, and meditates on the Word of God day and night. When all is said and done, David is a man after God’s own heart.

However, despite his faithfulness, Davis is a humiliated man of sorrows. He deserves acclaim, but instead he receives great persecution. He should be dwelling in the palace, but he spends his night like an animal in a cave. He should be honored, but instead he is hunted. But in the midst of his distress, the king-in-waiting finds comfort from two sources. God is his very present help in his time of trouble, and compassionate friends are by his side. Four Hundred men gather about him (1 Sam. 22), and from this larger group come David’s Mighty Men. (2 Sam. 23)  Together they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Together they strengthen and encourage one another. Together they watch one another’s backs and hold each others arms up. This is a fraternity David can be proud of. 

Moses had his friends and brothers; so too did David. Even Jesus needed the support of friends. For a while, his disciples were an encouragement to him. But when they abandoned him, and he was left alone in the garden to bear his grief, angelic friends came and comforted him. Daniel had his Israelite brothers. Then consider the relations of Paul. In almost every letter he comments on those who walked side by side with him in the Gospel ministry. He was forever indebted to Barnabas, Silas, Luke and John Mark. Therefore, Paul was adamant that there should be plural elders leading each and every church. All men need the encouragement, admonition, friendship, support and compassion of their brothers and sisters.

Therefore, are you a spiritual recluse who thinks more highly of yourself than you ought? Or, are you a spiritual recluse who refuses to share your strength and spiritual gifts with others? The church of Jesus Christ is to be consumed with communication, communion, and community. We are to be members of a spiritual family. Therefore, seek to have friends by being a friend. Worship the Lord by encouraging a brother or sister in Christ. There are some fraternities and sororities which are pleasing to the Lord; find one and become a faithful friend.



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