Lord of Lords

I am writing this devotional blog from Germany, and in this region of God’s planet, there is a long history of bishops, princes, and lords.

Lords have city palaces and country castles. They have pomp, circumstance, swagger, and bling. They are shown priority and preference. They expect privilege and praise. They have power — commanding soldiers, servants, and subjects, and they expect to be obeyed and honored.

From what I am learning, not all lords are equal. Some are hedonistic asses, narcissistic pigs, and/or ravenous dogs. They are oppressive wolves fleecing the flock to worship themselves. In old Europe, these are the bishops and princes who quite often commission outrageous portraits of themselves, host their own parades, and erect statutes in their own honor.

Then there are the honorable lords. They are fewer in number, a blessing to their people, and long after they are gone, their adoring subjects continue to sing their praises.

Well, Jesus Christ is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. He is the …

  • Humble Lord who takes the towel, takes the knee, and washes the feet of his friends.
  • Self-sacrificing Lord who gives himself for the reconciliation and sanctification of his people.
  • Forgiving Lord who forgets the transgressions of his people even though they seem to remember.
  • Intimate Lord who sticks closer than a brother; he moves in, becomes one, and indwells his beloved.
  • Protective Lord who pledges his service and promises not to lose even one of his elect.
  • Happy Lord who sings about the beauty of his bride.
  • Encouraging Lord who gives rest and peace.
  • Wise Lord who instructs his children in the way they should go.

Much can be made of Medicis, Hapsburgs, Bourbons, and Rothschilds. Constantines, Charlemagnes, and Napoleons come and go. However, none is like our Jesus! He is the Creator Czar, the Exquisite Emperor, and the Perfect President. His name is higher than any other. His kingdom is global. His reign is forever. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, and he is fantastic.

This makes one of his questions quite interesting.

In one of his sermons, our Lord Jesus asks his friends,

Ouch! That strikes a spiritual nerve! Why is Jesus so grand and loving, and why am I so disbelieving, dull, hard-headed, and ridiculously uninterested in heeding the will and wisdom of my fantastic Lord?

Therefore, as part of my morning repentance, I consider afresh the words of Psalm 119:162-128:

I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil. I hate and abhor falsehood, but I love your law. Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous rules. Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble. I hope for your salvation, O LORD, and I do your commandments. My soul keeps your testimonies; I love them exceedingly. I keep your precepts and testimonies, for all my ways are before you.

Lord Jesus,

I confess you are Sovereign, and I am subject. You created me in your own image. You have all rights as Creator; I am your created one made to happily do your will.

I confess my intellectual folly and stubborn will. Starting within and showing without, I constantly prove to be a devilish fool. 

I confess, I have no clue why I should have won the Gospel jackpot. Why was my name engraved on your heart, written in your book, and called by your lips? Why am I your elect, your beloved, your bride, your friend — your own? What manner of love is this, “That the Lord of all the earth would care to speak my name?” “Who am I?”

I confess my only hope is your gifted obedience and sacrificial death. Your grace is greater than all my sin and transgressions. 

I confess I do not have to do better in order to enjoy your favor and receive all your gifts. Your grace is free; it is enough!

I also happily confess I have received a renewed internal desire to call you “Lord” and do what you tell me to do.

Therefore, “Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me.” Help me to rejoice in your words. Help me to abhor devilish propaganda and lies. Help me to love your prescribed ways. May I read your Word and pray more fervently throughout the day — maybe even without ceasing. Yes Lord, I desire to better enjoy your peace. I desire to stumble less and enjoy stability. I desire to read, hear, believe, desire, and obey. You are my Savior. You are my Lord. Please Savior, help me walk more and more in accordance with my new identity in you.

You are my Lord. I am your teachable lad.


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